date of birth: 04/03/1959
place of birth: Hasselt

married to: Geens Elisabeth (24/04/1960)
children: Albert (29/01/1989), Karl (05/04/1991)

private address: R. Borremansstraat 57, B-3040 HULDENBERG
tel: +32 486 098541

office address: E.N.T Department, Head & Neck Surgery
UZ St.-Rafaël
Kapucijnenvoer 33

tel: +32 16 332342
fax: +32 16 332335

RIZIV number: 1/05850/74/410

Medical and academic career

29/6/1984: Dokter in de Genees-, Heel- en Verloskunde, cum laude (88,5%) KULeuven
108/1985-31/7/1991: Temporary full-time assistent KULeuven, clinical resident - basic scientific research - clinical staff member
1/8/1990: Specialist Otorhinolaryngologie
12/9/1990: Geaggregeerde voor het Hoger Onderwijs, Ph.D.
1/8/1991-31/7/1992: Resident, E.N.T. Department, UZLeuven
1/8/1992-31/7/1993: Adjunct supervisor, E.N.T. Department, UZLeuven
1/8/1993-31/7/1995: Supervisor, E.N.T. Department, UZLeuven
1/10/1994: Deeltijds Docent, KULeuven
1/8/1995-30/9/2000: Adjunct Kliniekhoofd, E.N.T. Department, UZLeuven
1/10/1997: Deeltijds Hoofddocent, KULeuven
1/10/2000: Head of Department, E.N.T. Department, UZLeuven
1/10/2001: Hoogleraar, KULeuven
1/10/2010-31/07/2016: Chairman Department Neurosciences, KULeuven

National and International Mandates

Since 1995: Member of the board of the Royal Belgian society for ENT, Head and Neck Surgery (Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor, Otorhinolaryngologie, Gelaat-en Halschirurgie)
1996 – 2007: Member of the board of NVWPO
1998 – 2004: editor in chief of Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Belgica
Since 2005: editor in chief of B-ENT
Since 1999: vertegenwoordiger voor België binnen EUFOS
Since 2000: member of the Flemish “Kamer van de Erkenningscommissie Otorhinolaryngologie”
Since 2001: Member of the board of the Professional Society ENT-HNS (Beroepsvereniging ORL)
Since 2004: representative for Belgium in the ERS (European Rhinologic Society)
Since 2005: member of the editorial board of Rhinology


Author or co-author of over 160 international peer reviewed publications.